Financial Liberation™ Is The Mastery of "Enough"

Pursuing “Financial Freedom” keeps you on an endless hamster wheel. It's a lie.

Financial Liberation™ sets you free.

Ali Katz has spent her life helping people get good with money, and with themselves.​​

Ali has been featured by

Good Morning America
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Become the CEO of Your Life and Business By Creating a Rock-Solid Business Foundation You Can Rely on For Consistent Income and Total Confidence in 2021 and Beyond

I am here to help you get good with money, and as a result make great life decisions that lead to you having the freedom to be all of who you are, know what's yours to do, and do it.

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You are here to step into your full empowered sovereignty with all the education and information you need to make the choices that allow you to remember: you are the supreme authority in your life, and a powerful co-creator in this world. We’d love you to step up now.

I believe that each one of us is here for a reason, and that when we make our decisions with money as the primary motivator (in ways we most often cannot see), we miss out on a lot of life, even (and often especially) if it all looks good on the surface.

I believe that many of our individual, family and collective world problems are born from a core wound of scarcity-based thinking and decision-making that can be healed, and must be, if we hope to come up with new solutions and possibilities for humanity. Starting with you.

I believe that getting good with money, and making great use of your non-renewable resources of time, energy and attention, is the foundational piece that is missing from most people’s lives.

I know you have access to everything you need to create the future you want, you just may not be able to see it all quite yet. But, when you can and do, life gets a whole lot better, uncovering what works to increase your income goes a whole lot quicker, and you are able to make the decisions that lead you from here to where you want to be, a whole lot faster.

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Getting Good With

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Money Dysmorphia

Almost Ruined My Life

and It May Be Ruining Yours Too

I did all the right things, but for all the wrong reasons, and what I discovered is that when that’s the case, it will never be enough.

I graduated first in my class from Georgetown University Law Center, spent a year at a prestigious clerkship on one for the highest courts in the US while also giving birth to my daughter, collected my 6-figure paycheck from one of the best law firms in the country, and then gave birth to my son, got divorced, built two million dollar plus businesses, wrote a best-selling book and appeared on all the top television and radio shows.

And then I walked away from it all, moved to a farm and filed bankruptcy, so I could find out what was really true about money
and this thing we pretend is success.

The Ali Katz Show

Love, Money, Life and Death

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Read My Latest Articles to Open Your Eyes and Get Good With Money, So You Can Make Great Life Decisions